Shipping policy

Generally most items shown on our website are available ex-stock from our warehouse in Paeroa. If not in stock, they will be shown as "sold out". Ex-stock items will be shipped on a daily basis and generally delivery should be within 2-4 working days. 

Delivery for non-stock items is between 3-6 months.

All our Metal Grid signs, 3D Neon and Clocks are shipped by Aramex Couriers. We DO NOT send signs to rural addresses. They can be collected from Aramex Deport or to a Residential address of your choice    It is strongly recommended that you check the contents of the package for damage before accepting deliver

Extremely large, signs, can only be collected/picked up from our store. 

All the metal grid signs are double boxed with sponge supports, and the tubes are also foam block packed. However, you should use extreme care when unpacking and should never pick signs up by the neon tubes or touch the neon tubes with your hands, as this can damage them.

We are unable to deliver signs internationally due to the fragile nature of the product and also due to the power voltage and plug differences of each country.    We will send neon clocks to Australia upon request. 

If you are wanting to order a bulk lot of product, we recommend that contact us prior to placing your order.

All items, whether signs or clocks, are charged on a per item basis due to their size. We have included a large range of combinations of clocks and sign freight pricing options. However, if you receive a message saying "shipping rate isn't valid", please either separate your order into two separate orders (it won't cost any extra) or contact us.

Signs are either small, medium or large (or oversize which cannot be couriered) and require one ticket per item.

Clocks and 3D neon signs are all the same size for courier purposes and they also require one ticket per item.